Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune condition that is known for causing hair loss and is sometimes associated with genetics and stress. This condition can come in the form of what is called Alopecia Universalis where the full body hair is lost and, therefore, treatment is needed. At Skin Expert Clinic, our top cosmetic center in Beirut, Lebanon, Skin Expert Clinic, Dr. Yassine combines topical, oral, and injectable treatments to guarantee full hair growth.

In the section below, Dr. Yassine offers a full explanation of the alopecia areata treatments.

1. What is alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is a non-contagious condition that makes your hair fall in patches due to an attack on the hair follicle by the body’s immune system. This condition is triggered by stress and most likely affects people with other family members who have it. It may affect eyebrows, eyelashes, and face or even cause total hair loss, receiving the name of Alopecia Universalis. This variation may stop the hair from growing back, however, the extension of hair loss and regrowth differs from person to person.

2. How can we treat Alopecia Areata?

  1. Topical agents
    These are certain medications rubbed into your skin to cause hair growth. The available options are:

    • Minoxidil which has proved to be efficient on people with mild alopecia areata although it may take a year to notice improvement. It is applied on the scalp, eyebrows, and beard.
    • Corticosteroid creams, foams, lotions, and ointments aim to reduce the inflammation in the hair follicle.
    • Topical immunotherapy is the application of chemicals like diphencyprone (DPCP) that spark an allergic rash to stimulate new hair growth within one to six months.
  2. Steroids Injections
    Steroid injections are also an option that will help your hair grow back on bald spots. The procedure consists of injecting the steroid through tiny needles into the bare affected skin and it must be repeated every one to two months.
  3. PRP (platelet-rich plasma)
    This innovative technique extracts an amount of blood from the patient and re-injects the platelets after being separated to enrich the skin with the essential nutrients and growth factors. Studies have proved that it is more efficient than steroid injections and it is also effective in facial rejuvenation and acne scar treatments.
    At Skin Expert Clinic, we combine PRP with the other treatments for better results when needed.
  4. Oral treatments
    Your dermatologist will certainly prescribe you cortisone tablets or oral immunosuppressants (such as methotrexate and cyclosporine) if you are suffering from a severe case. They are responsible for blocking the immune system’s response but must be taken carefully due to the risk of side effects.
  5. Light therapy
    Excimer light therapy using 311nm Narrow UVB Light is efficient in cases with limited vitiligo patches. At Skin Expert Clinic, we use the excimer light technology to pigment localized vitiligo patches on the face and body.