Why is Retinol advised by Dr. Yassine to be used in your daily skin routine?

When you visit the specialist in dermatology and cosmetology, Dr. Yassine, at his Skin Expert Clinic (Beirut, Lebanon), he will examine your skin very carefully, using the latest technology, in order to determine its condition and problems. In addition to the clinical treatments he performs in a professional manner for which he became well known in various Arab countries, he can advise you to use his retinol products in the clinic as part of your daily routine. What makes this component so special? How do you benefit from it? You can find all the details below.

What makes retinol such a reliable component?

What you should know first is that retinol is the most widely used form of vitamin A. It is considered one of the trusted components in the skincare world because of its effectiveness in stimulating cell renewal. Thus, it can be active in treating more than one skin problem: wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin color, and skin impurities, most notably acne.

When you apply topical retinol to your skin, here’s what happens: you get rid of the dead cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin that make the skin look dull and feel rough, and the skin renews its cells to restore youth, freshness, and radiance. Also, thanks to this regeneration and getting rid of dead cells that clog pores, a remarkable improvement occurs in the treatment of acne and pimples.

For this reason, if you suffer from the skin problems that we mentioned, Dr. Yassine can advise you to use trusted home-based retinol products at the level of concentration he deems appropriate. It is important to adhere to the prescribed products, as they are carefully selected to benefit from retinol without causing any irritation to the skin.

How do you use retinol on your skin?

You apply retinol creams at night to prevent any irritation when exposed to the sun during the day, and that is after you clean your skin well. You don’t need a large amount, but only about the size of a pea. Spread the cream on the face, avoiding the eye contour, and massage the skin to absorb the product. And if you want to apply any other product on top of the retinol, it’s best to wait for it to fully absorb into the skin.

As for the frequency of application weekly, it is often started one to two times a week, and the times increase with the increase in the skin’s tolerance to retinol. There is no doubt that the specialist in dermatology and cosmetology, Dr. Yassine, will advise you about how often to apply it per week, when he examines your skin at his Skin Expert Clinic in Beirut, Lebanon.

And if there is a need to apply retinol during the day, it is necessary to apply a sunscreen that provides full protection from long and medium-range UV rays and has a formula that does not clog pores.

Disadvantages of using retinol

Dr. Yassine will guide you to the best daily routine that you can use in your daily life for young and fresh skin, and this can include retinol for the reasons we mentioned. But he will also help you choose the appropriate concentration level of retinol so that it does not cause you any sensitivity or irritation. Therefore, you should not start using any retinol cream without consulting him. We also point out that pregnant women cannot use creams that contain retinol.

Now the basic information about retinol is clear to you, but the most important thing is to be fully aware of your skin problems before adopting any routine for it. Book an appointment at Skin Expert Clinic (Beirut, Lebanon) to consult Dr. Yassine who examines your skin and determines the appropriate products for it.

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